Well hello again haha
today I'm going to have a review on Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick #830 HD Rose
and here's how it looks like

the tube is pretty with silver-transparent colour, it looks super sleek and simple

here's the shade that I use, HD rose, i chose this shade simply because I'm a big fan of natural looking lipstick and i think rosey shades fits me well... so hahaha

and now lets move on to the review!


this lipstick has a very creamy and buttery texture, and i hope you can see it in the picture i took later,
and the finished look is a bit matte, but a bit glossy?
it's super moisturizing
its not that light, but it's not too heavy,
but you can feel that you're wearing a lipstick


for the pigmentation I'd give this lipstick 3,5 out of 5
because it covers my lips really good but some of them is still seen through
it looks rosey but not like pinkish or red-ish coloured lipstick? it's more like nude-ish coloured
and I actually prefer a pinkish red-ish rosey coloured lipstick, so I'm not a big fan :/

  Staying Power  

as you know about creamy lipstick, it does transfer.
and I actually need to retouch it everytime I ate something
but if you're just having snack it will definately stay there.


overall, i think this is a good lipstick but not the best? becase I prefer it to be more light for daily use, I bought this about 8 dollars in Revlon's store so it's not too pricey
repurchase? maybe, i dont know

and in addition, 
yup. tastes like candy
its definately sweet
so you can lick it hahahah but don't swallow it!

it's not a bad lipstick so I would really recommend it to you guys if you like a creamy lipstick with rosey colour and a touch of nude
it looks really natural and pretty
it stays if you eat nothing
not that pricey
and i think you should try it!

i think thats all i can tell youuu everything is on my personal experiment lol
if you have any question or suggestion please please leave a comment down below,
thankyou so much for stopping by my blog!
and see you on the next review~

Hello everyone!
i'm going to have a review on NYX Soft Matte Lipcream in shade san paulo because it's been 
a best selling lipcream in my country.
here's the look of the lip cream.
I actually bought this after watching Stefany Talita Visa on Youtube
and here's the link:

she made a tutorial video about no make up make up, and one of the product she used was 
NYX Soft Matte lipcream in shade San paulo.
she looked really fresh in it and it looks really natural on her.
and that's why i bought this lipcream hahah
it costs about 9 dollars in one of NYX's store here.


this lipcream is definately creamy but it's not like the usual lipcream, it's more like buttery and not sticky. and ofcourse it doesn't look glossy as it is a matte lipcream.


this lipcream has a VERY GOOD pigmentation even in one swipe!


the aplicator is really good and easy to use, especially for me because i have a pretty thin lips
so i can get a little messy everytime i use a lipcream so i think the aplicator did a very good job!

  Staying Power  

this lipcream can stay up to 4-6 hourse which is good, but it definatelly different for everyone, 
but sometimes when I ate something, the inner part of my lips will need to be touched up and for me personally, it's not a really big deal. 
but the other good thing about this lipcream is that it doesn't transfer at all!

  Overall 4.5/5  

Overall, i really like this lipcream because it has a really good pigmentation, and it didnt transfer.
and somehow this lipcream is not drying up my lips???
my lips even felt moisturized after using this
and i think the price is really worth the quaily of this lipcream

so yupp thats all i can say about this lipcream and I'm highly recommend this lipcream to you guysssss because in the end this is a totally definately a very very good lipcream!
thankyou so much for stopping by my blog,
if you have any question or suggestion, you can leave a comment down below
and see you on the next review!

Hai beauties! 
aku balik lagi buat review 1 produk lagi malem ini, karena bener bener gabut iya segabut itu,
kali ini aku mau review salah satu lipstick dari pixy,
ini rekomendasi dari temen aku dan kenyataannya emang ini super bagus banget 
lipstick ini adalah lipstick favorit aku, ngalahin lipstick yang mahal mahal hahah
ini dia penampakannya

tempatnya warna pink lucu gitu, dan atasnya ada kaya curvenya jadi kaya ada gelombang gelombangnya, girly abis pokonya
ukurannya lumayan gendut ya lipstick ini kalo dibanding lipstick lain
tapi aku rasa bentuknya ga jadi masalah sih hehe

ini penampakan pantat si lipstick, iya pantat hahah
jadi singkat cerita, waktu aku pergi ke gerai si pixy ini aku emang udah rencana mau beli lipstick ini
nah pas aku dateng aku samperin mba mbanya yang lagi ngelayanin orang lain
terus dia nanya lah kaya biasa "ada yang bisa saya bantu?"
nah karena aku gatau ini lipstick tipe apa dll aku cuma punya foto lipstick temen aku, aku kasih liat lah ke si mba mbanya itu
dan ternyataaaa ibu ibu yang lagi beli lipstick itu juga lagi lipstick yang sama kaya yang aku beli. lagi di nota malah. hahahah
jadi kesimpulan aku, kayanya ini lipstick emang salah satu best sellernya si pixy itu

oke kita masuk ke review ya banyak basa basinya nih hahaha


lipstick ini punya tekstur yang creamy, dan hasilnya glossy hampir kaya pake lipbalm dengan warna, tapi dia lebih kaya cair kalo lipbalm kan lebih kental yaa if you know what i mean
dia ringan banget sampe bener bener ga berasa kalo kita lagi pake. dan dia aku rasa cukup moisturizing juga di bibir aku


buat pigmentasi dia aku kasih dia 2,5 : 5
karena kaya yang aku bilang tadi, dia bener bener ringan teksturnya seperti kita pake lipbalm
jadi buat yang bibirnya sedikit gelap, ini not the best lipstick to try. 
soalnya waktu kaka aku cobain ini gakeluar warnanya malah jatuhnya kaya buluk gitu
tapi buat yang ga terlalu gelap, dia bikin bibir kita kaya merah natural rosy pink bibir sehat merah alami cantik banget pokonya

  Staying Power  

kalo dari yang aku bilang tadi, lipstick ini sheer banget dan teksturnya ringan, udah bisa ketebak dong? 
yupp bener banget
ini lipstick staying powernya jelek
bener bener kaya pake lipbalm
abis pake lala lili bentar udah kaya ilang

nah diatas itu contoh pemakaian di bibir aku yaa

despite of the fact about how poor the pigmentation and the staying power of this lipstick,
aku tetep suka banget karena ini cocok banget buat aku warnanya teksturnya dan semua semuanya 
ini favorit aku banget. it doesn't matter kalo aku harus reapply tiap sejam sekali or so
kalo berdasarkan sisi objektif mungkin lipstick ini cuma dapet 2/3 dari 5
tapi overall buat aku ini 5,5/5 hehe

lagi lagi namanya make up itu cocok cocokan yaa
makanya kita gaboleh takut buat bereksperimen ^^
kan if you never try you'll never know

Absolutely yess!! dan aku bener bener rekomendasi lipstick ini buat kalian yang rela kalo harus reapply doi lagi dan lagi,dan yang bibirnya ga terlalu gelap
tapi bener dia bagus banget banget banget banget jadi harus coba!
karena dia super murah cuma kaya 20rban gitu

duh kelewat excited ya jelasinnya hahah karena dia emang lipstick favorit aku XD

naaah jadi segitu aja review kali ini yaa hihi
semoga bermanfaat buat kalian readers!
as usual thankyou so much for stopping by my blog yaa
if you have any question / suggestion you can cmment down below <3 
thankyou and see you on the next review! byeee~

Halo semua! 
kali ini aku pengen review salah satu lipcream yang paling laris dan rame banget dimana mana, walaupun telat dikit, 
ini dia soft matte lipcream from NYX 
disini aku punya satu shades aja yaitu san paulo.
aku beli ini setelah nonton video dari Stefany Talita Visa di youtube, ini linknya

disitu dia bikin tutorial no make up make up, dan soft matte lipcream san paulo ini salah satu yang dia pake. pas dia pake keliatan bagus banget, fresh, dan natural banget. 
akhirnya aku berburu si san paulo ini di salah satu gerai NYX di Taman Anggrek.
harganya 100ribuan kurang lebih dan diatas itu penampakannya hihihi


untuk teksturnya bener bener creamy, tapi beda sama lipcream yang biasa, dia lebih kaya buttery dan ga lengket. warnanya juga ga glossy yaa dia matte sesuai namanya


untuk pigmentasi, buat aku ini pigmented banget, warnanya bener bener muncul dalam 1 kali swipe!


aplikatornya sesuai sama yang aku harapin, arena gampang banget buat dipake apalagi bibir aku lumayan kecil jadi lumayan ga bersahabat sama beberapa aplikator lipcream, suka gampang belepotan! jadi ini bagus banget kalo menurut aku hehe 

  Staying Power  

daya tahan bisa dibilang lumayan (kalo kita ga makan) dia bisa bertahan for like 4-6 hours buat aku, tapi tiap orang bisa beda yaah, tapi kalo kita makan kadang bagian dalem bibir kita bakal ilang dikit, jadi bisa banget di re apply dikit, dan menurut aku bukan big deal sih hehe

  Overall 4.5/5  

overall aku suka banget banget sama lipcream ini, hasilnya matte dan pigmented, walaupun hasilnya matte dia gabikin bibir kita kering jadi dia matte tapi somehow moisturizing? 
warnanya buat aku si san paulo ini ga gitu natural kaya waktu dipake ka stefany talita tapi kalo di dap dap dikit pake tissue warnanya jadi lebih natural hehe
harganya menurut aku juga worth it buat beli lipcream ini
bisa juga beli di online shop online shop yang harganya lebih murah, tapi harus hati hati ya karena banyak banget KWan nya sekarang

ka stefany talita juga punya ig yang jual make up make up salah satunya jual lipcream ini juga jadi bisa di cek ya di instagram! namanya @makefaceup

yupp jadi segitu aja review kali ini hihi
semoga bermanfaat buat kalian readers!
as usual thankyou so much for stopping by my blog yaa
if you have any question / suggestion you can cmment down below <3 
thankyou and see you on the next review! byeee~

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